State Budget Bad Actors Just this week, several Democratic members of our North Carolina General Assembly, namely Rep. Cecil Brockman, Rep. Carla Cunningham, Rep. Garland Pierce, Rep. Shelly Willingham, and Rep. Michael Wray joined alongside Republican members and...
Senate Bill 747 is Anti-Voter Our democracy is supposed to be based on freedom, fairness, and choice. But here in North Carolina, extremists who want control over our elections are pushing for legislation limiting our freedom to vote and diminishing our voices. We...
Cotham Cashes Out on Constituents Yesterday, progressive groups across the state cried foul on the decision of Representative Tricia Cotham to switch parties a week after public ridicule for neglecting to support the Governor’s veto by not showing up for the critical...
Action Alert: Safeguard Fair Elections Act and Fix Our Democracy Act The Safeguard Fair Elections Act and Fix Our Democracy Act have been introduced at the North Carolina General Assembly, giving us another opportunity to support these bills and make the promise of...
Black Farmers have been locked out of NC’s medical marijuana bill North Carolina is on the verge of legalizing the sale and production of medical marijuana. In an industry projected to generate $15 billion in annual sales nationally by 2025, that should be good...