On the Ballot 

Our electoral strategy is developed in alignment with our community advocacy efforts and collectively work to build Black political power. Our ongoing efforts of empowering communities and building connected relationships provide a platform for furthering and advancing community advocacy.

What’s on the Ballot

OUR communities. OUR issues. OUR future. It’s time to bring politics #CloserToThePeople. Your vote brings politics back to what matters – us. Be the change you want to see. Learn how your vote impacts OUR daily lives and let’s make politics work for us!



U.S.  Supreme Court Justices and federal judges appointed by the President  can affect the outcome of court cases with controversial issues or constitutional rights. The President’s actions can impact our relationships with other countries and our safety in the U.S.



With the ability to make U.S. law and oversee federal agencies, congressional powers include spending our tax dollars, taking the country to war, deciding who gets healthcare and environmental protections, and when to hold the president accountable — from appointments to impeachments. 



The Governor is responsible for implementing state laws and overseeing the operation of the state executive branch. The governor can issue executive orders, use executive budgets, and enact legislative proposals.


Advance Carolina understands all elections are important. We encourage volunteers to pledge to vote in every election and stay connected to receive updates and alerts from Advance Carolina. 

Paid for by Advance North Carolina. Not authorized by any candidate, committee or political party.

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